Trudy L Hay

Born Feb. 8, 1922
Died Nov. 5, 2012
Age 90

Mother of four boys:
Doug, Don, Jim and John.

Grandmother of seven:
Darcy, Chelsea , Alex , Kelly, Donald, Jacky, Jeanette, John W. and Emily Hay.

Service to be held:
Forest Lawn Memorial Parks & Mortuaries
1712 S. Glendale Ave., Glendale, CA 91205
Little Church of the Flowers
9:30 am Nov. 17, 2012

Donations to the Glendale United Methodist Church are encouraged in lieu of flowers, please contact 818-243-2105.

How to get to the Service

For More information please click on:

Gertrude (Trudy) Louise Soule (Hay) was born February 8, 1922 in Waterloo, New York. She was the first born child of Harold and Helen Soule. She and her younger brother Chet grew up across the street from their father’s auto accessory, tire and repair shop.

Trudy left home at 17 to attend Buffalo State Teacher College. In 1941, after graduation she and her family moved to Eagle Rock California to escape the harsh winters of New York. They moved in next to the Hay family who were also from upstate New York.

Trudy fell in love with the boy-next-door, Ed Hay. They were married in 1946 after Ed was discharged from the Navy after serving three years aboard the U.S.S. Baltimore during World War II.

The couple attended college at UCLA and USC. After graduation Trudy raised four sons, Doug, Don, Jim and John then went to work teaching hospitalized children while Ed worked for the LA City School system.

Trudy was a loving wife, sister, friend, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother and her infectious enthusiasm and happy nature will be sorely missed by all who knew her.

You’ll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold you head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark

At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the soft sweet song of the lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams may be tossed and blown

Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone
You’ll never walk alone

18 thoughts on “Trudy L Hay

    • What a lovely remembrance of her. I am sure she will be missed. May god bless you all though your trying times of her passing

    • Que Dios nuestro Señor le permita a Doña Trudy, ver su luz y vivir eternamente en su reino y a los que le quedan en esta tierra les permita aceptar con resignation su partida y vivir con el ejemplo que nos dejo.

      Mi estimado Donald, recibe un fuerte abrazo amigo.

      Miguel Villalobos

    • Donal.. te reconozco por el gran hijo y la gran alegria que causaste a tu madre por ser quien eres.. definitivamente ella estará siempre muy orgullosa de ti desde el Cielo.. Te mando un abrazo y en lugar de pensar en resignacion, msa bien dar Gracias a Dios por todos los momentos felices que pasaste a su lado y por haberte bendecido con darte la Madre que pudo guiar tus pasos durante 90 años. De todo corazón Charly !!

  1. God´s greatest gift has been returned to his arms…………………Our Loving Mother

  2. Dios me concedió coincidir con esta linda mujer a través de una de las misiones que tuvo en vida: Su hijo Donald J Hay.
    Él es quien es gracias a ella y a su padre Edward, y en gran parte yo soy quien soy gracias a su importante influencia en mi vida.
    Deseo que la tristeza que pudiera sentirse al pensar que ella ya no estará fisicamente entre nosotros pase y pase pronto, que los mejores recuerdos de todo su amor, sus enseñanzas, el ejemplo de vida que siempre fue ayude pronto a su familia a superarla.
    Dios bendiga a la familia Hay.
    Con profundo respeto y cariño,
    Patty de Lara

  3. The Rock our family was built on. She is with us forever, hearts, thoughts and day to day life. Gone but not forgotten, living with us every day. Even though her presence is with us her beautiful smile and thoughfulness will be miss.

    Love you so much!

    There is peace in knowing that you are in a better place. Happy trails!
    Love Jim

  4. Donald, ante la imposibilidad de poderlo hacer personalmente, recibe por este medio un fuerte abrazo de consuelo; deseando de todo corazón, que la paz por el nacimiento de tu mama a la vida eterna, este pronto contigo y tu apreciable familia.

    ….Y le contesto: En verdad te digo que hoy estarás conmigo en el paraíso.
    Lucas 23 43

    Con el afecto y respeto de siempre


  5. Estimado Donald

    Nuestro mas sentido pesame por la perdida de tu Mama que demostro en su vida tener el amor y los valores de la familia. Eres un hombre afortunado el haberla tenido y por lo mismo estoy contigo con tu gran sentimiento.

    Tuviste la fortuna de disfrutarla muchos años, esto te hace doble afortunado.
    Me encuentro en Irapuato de trabajo pero aunque estamos muy lejos recibe un fuerte abrazo de un amigo

  6. Estimado Donald,

    Por este medio te mando mi mas sentido pesame, tendremos a tu Mama muy presente en nuestras oraciones, y te deseo una pronta resignacion en estos difíciles momentos.

    Por las fotos del site, se ve que tu Mama era una persona muy alegre, y ojala todos ustedes se queden con el recuerdo de esa alegria y felicidad que ella les dió en vida.

    Un Abrazo desde Monterrey.

    Javier Q.

  7. I am blessed to have had Trudy as my best friend since teenagers in Waterloo, NY. Through the years we kept in touch with mail, phone calls, Ed and Trudy’s family visit to the Finger Lakes and my heart warming wonderful visits to Ed and Trudy’s in California. She was the light in my life. Love and sympathy for the Hay Family. Rose Szary, Ithaca NY

  8. My Memories of Trudy,
    What a lady–gentle, kind and fun. Always with her pretty smile to make your day a happy one.
    With heavy heart,
    Nadine Scofield, prayers and love.

  9. My mother and I lived with the Soule family during the war years. I remember Trudy saying “as long as my brother is in the Army, I will work at Locheed Aircraft. What a gal!

  10. I woke up from a sound sleep this morning remembering that I forgotten to send Mom flowers for her birthday. My mind raced……………Damn it, why did in not take care of this last week……………how can I get her flowers for birthday, when today is the day?….. Suddenly I remember that mom is no longer with us.

    Eight years have passed but the memory lives on.

    I miss her too!
    Donald Hay
    Feb 8, 2018

  11. Mom

    Just to let you know, the entire Hay family is on our way today to visit your home tomorrow Waterloo in NY and to drop off Rhoda’s personal effects at the Seneca Falls museum.
    16 of us will be making the trip.
    We miss you. Can’t believe you left us seven years ago!
    You will always live in our hearts
    Love Donald

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